Friday, October 29, 2010

Lindsay Looks Again

Even if he has to wait FOREVER!
Okay, maybe not forever, but he's still willing to wait until after she gets out of the Betty Ford Clinic.
Matthew Wilder, the director of the yet-to-see-the-light-of-production flick Inferno, released an official statement, claiming he had no plans to abandon Lindsay Lohan as the lead in his movie. He explained that the studio would not be" replacing her with another person" and that they're planning on starting up as soon as Lindsay is ready. He explains:
"She's good and productive and thinking about life beyond [rehab]. I think she feels a little cooped up there, but she's okay."
We bet she is great now, considering she reportedly is flat broke and will take any job she can get! Bills don't pay themselves.
But is this really the best movie for her to be doing straight out a rehab? Just saying, a nice Disney comedy might be more her speed or perhaps an uplifting romcom joint.

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